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Showing posts with the label Acrylic

Acrylic Frenzy One Stroke Designs

Every once is a while I will bring my tub of acylics out and paint like a mad woman for a week and then they will get returned them to the shelf to collect dust once again. This just happened to be one of those weeks. :)

Rock Canyon

Rock Canyon 16*20 acrylic on stretched canvas Yes between packing, moving, and unpacking i did manage to fit in another painting. LOL ;) Been working on my landscapes lately, I thought this one was done then I photograph it and I now see little things that need tweaking. Mainly done with a pallett knife and a little brush work. Hope you enjoy

Bottles and Blooms

Another finger-painting. I have become a very tactile person the older i get and even though you cant get the fine details that a brush could give you I love the feel of squishy paint between my fingers. I know it sounds gross but it almost tricks your brain into thinking of your piece as a sculpture being molded instead of painted. If that makes any sense. ;)

Floral Pour - acrylic cracked!

Well this was an eye opener. Another acrylic but this time i tried pouring, as well as my fingers dipped in water to acheive this marbleing technique. Overall it "was a beautiful painting till it started to dry and then it cracked. I dont know why - maybe because the paint was applied so thickly. hmm! Anyways I thought I would share what was. I peeled this painting off and are saving the paint skins for another project.

Fingers and Fish

Well as a mom of 4 kids I often get inspired by watching them at their easle's. Well today we decided to give the old fingers a go round and see what we can come up with. I actually like alot of what is going on in this piece. The movement in the back water gives the illusion of other fish or seaweed moving around - I dont think this could have been created with a brush. Not the best "painting" but definatly a good basis for another one like it.

Inukshuk Winter

Inukshuk Winter 9*12 Acrylic ** For Sale** $160 CAD This is the second in a series - This year has really taught me to paint what I love. It comes across the same way as talking with a smile. :) The Way Home 9*12 Acrylic on canvas board ** For Sale** $145 CAD

Acrylic Gallery

Out to Pasture 8*10 Acrylic on Wrapped Canvas ** For Sale ** Water Garden 9*12 Acrylic on Canvas Board ** For Sale** $180.00 CAD