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Showing posts with the label paper mache

Halloween DIY Man eating plant prop

This plant only eats once a year and is fed by the children that didn't use their manners from last Halloween. As you can see this plant does not go hungry. I don't know if it a man eater anymore than an ill mannered child eater. I created this man eater out of a balloon and paper mache (see my recipe for paper mache paste here) . So to start this project,  I first covered the base in a few layers of stripping and then took fuller sheets that have been soaked in the paste and folded and manipulated it to form the ridge.   The tongue is just the mouth cut out, turned 90 degrees and reattached. The mouth was built up using tinfoil that was rolled into a snake and taped on. Then it was all mached together. I cut some thin corrugated cardboard in the shape of the leaf and paper mached it into place. Then I added some veins using pasted paper towels that i laid down to add ...

DIY Haunted Halloween prop paper mache pumpkins

People are always asking questions about these wonderfully frighting pumpkins so I thought I would share some trade secrets so that you can construct your own. These pumpkins have been to h*ll and back and have the scars to show for it. I was inspired by the pumpkin ideas from the Stolloween site. If you have never checked this site out, go now! He has the most AMAZING pumpkins and Halloween props around. This site also has recipes for paper mache and paper clay. This is the recipe I use for my paper mache. 1/3 cup flour 2 tbsp rice flour 2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 2 cups boiling water 1 cup cool water 1. Mix the dry ingredients. 2. Mix in the cool water with a fork or whisk, adding the water a little at a time to keep it as smooth as possible. 3. Stir the flour mixture into the boiling water. 4. Allow it to boil for two or three minutes. This can be stored in the fridge for a few days, just stir it up and you are ready to use it again.  I find this to be the mos...

Halloween Creations

My favorite time of the year. Halloween is probably more busy around here then Christmas. 8 bins of Halloween vs. 3 of Christmas. ;) Decorating starts the first weekend in Oct and really doesnt stop. I keep telling my husband that it is a good thing I am not allowed to touch anything electrical or our yard would be animated all year long. HAHAHAHA This year we have moved to a much bigger space so that involves "mom" getting a little more creative. :) These are a few grave markers that i made up a few years ago and the life sized "snot rag" mache devil that I am in the process of finishing up. My husband and neighbout have been busy building my mini fences and everyone has been involved in decorating. Still have to put up the lighting, set up the sound effects, web and spiderize, finish the devils arms, carve the pumpkins .. oh my!!!! Id better get on it. LOL In addition I laso managed to fit in teaching an acrylic one stroke class last weekend. My first one i...