Its been busy around here, Ive managed to finish 3 dresses, 2 skirts, 1 shirt for my little girl and pj pants and a hat for my little boy and a skirt, top, 2 hats and an 50's inspired apron for myself.(ill post those when my model is not so ill. Plus Ive started a new watercolor painting. - ill post that tomorrow. But the best"est" ;) project we have taken on is my prized Greenhouse. Measurements are 7 * 7 *3.5 feet :D This will save ALOT of post hail tears - hopefully. My husband works for a lumber yard which has come in handy for the summer project wish list. The lumber used was fall down (stuff they cant use because of estetics and would have been cut up and tossed away, (which is no bother to me ;)) and the poly are the sheets that cover the wood as it comes into the plant. So total cost of the project was my husbands' love and much appreciated help from our neighbour. :D I can't wait for everything to start blooming and producing.
Kootenay based self-taught artist producing semi professional works since the 90s and you can find her pieces in galleries and private collections globally. She loves to share her artistic process and in 2021 she decided to take the leap and open her studio and gallery to the public. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the eye candy.