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Showing posts with the label Acrylic

Teapot and Tansies Mini

I love the way this mini still life painting turned out. I painted this on a cad red toned background and added layers both transparent and opaque acrylic over the top. It really adds a feeling of continuity to this painting.   2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas includes mini display easle **SOLD**

Tree Frog mini

SOLD Hi all, My darling husband bought me some more mini's for Valentines day. Awe he is just the sweetest!! So I broke out my new Golden Opens and this is what I came up with.Hope you enjoy! 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas includes display easle signed/ dated on back

Mardi Gras Mask in Earths

16 * 20 acrylic on stretched canvas Please PM for purchase information This item is sold unframed Just a quick stop by to show the finished mask that I have been working on. Im pretty happy with it, my DH loves it but would love to hear your thoughts.. :) Happy Painting!

Mardi Gras Mask in Earths

I think im going to do a series of these as I love the mystery of masks and I would love to go to New Orleans during Mardi Gras. So here are the first stages of the one that I am working on now. Have a great day and Happy Painting!!  The finished painting can be found here.

Down to the Minute

6 * 9 * 2.5 in treasure box acrylic on wood finished on the inside covers with complimentary decorative paper Somedays my life is really reflected in what I paint, and I dont even realise it until a piece is completed and then I stand back and go hmmmm... where did that come from. I am such a happy, passionate person that when I look at these somber/exhausted woman pieces I really question my inner peace so I am going to Try and paint happier woman from now on.. :) Well, we will see anyways ;)

Mountain Bluebird Acrylic Tutorial

I haven't posted a WIP is a long time so I thought I would stop by and show you this mountain bluebird painting I have been working on in between sewing projects. :) 9 * 12inch canvas board. Here are the first intial stages mostly just blocking in the large masses of color. starting to define the shape a bit more on the leaves and feather pattern Almost done! Went back in to reshape his head , eye and bottom breast a little. Added more shading under his body to tail feathers. I realized after photographing the last shot something was off - the lighting didnt match. So .... will be going back in today to try and give the tree more of a rounded shape by moving the shadows to the right side of the tree (hehehe oops... )and maybe pump up the highlights on some of the leaves. :)Till next time Happy Painting! 9 * 12 acrylic on canvas board signed and dated on both front and back Donated to Canadian Artists for the Poor

Oh My Heavens - The World News :O

So every once in a while I google myself - just to make sure I am not having anything negative associated with my paintings and I came across this article in the World News!!!!!!!. If you scroll to the bottom of the article smack dab in the middle is a link to my you tube 2009 video of my paintings. You cant even imagine how excited I am! :) I am very honored and privilaged to whomever came by and admired my work enough to give me a feature spot. *** big hugs **** Thank you!

Kiss the cook

Kiss The Cook 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas includes display easle finished on sides signed/ dated on back SOLD


I so love these mini's. A little more on the whimsical side this time. Daisy 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas includes display easle finished sides signed/ dated on back SOLD

mini landscapes

2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas. SOLD These all come with their own mini easles for display purposes for a total measurement of 5 inches. Sometimes I think I should have called myself "paint in my hair and kids at my feet" These last few weeks with the holidays and a constant stream of house guests that have been here WAY longer than expected due to flight cancellations have left me a little more then frazzled and in desperate need of a vacation. :) But I have been able to sneak away and get a few of these mini's completed. Now hopefully I can get a chance to complete my sketchbook in time. :O Until next time Tammy

Man in Turban

2.75 * 2.75 inch Acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD A quick mini I did yesterday. I have tried for years to get a loose impressionistic style in my watercolors - to no avail. But with acrylics I can be so much more freer with my strokes - as if i dont like it I can always paint over it .. lol ;) Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!

Mini food and floral set

** sold ** sold ** sold ** sold Inspired by the works of Sandra Bloodworth these mini's cover two of my favorite things "food" and "flowers". Each are 2.75 inch square acrylic on stretched canvas.

The way's of life

Full Sheet 22 * 30 in Mixed Media acrylic over a watercolor underpainting on 140 lb CP This is my first full sheet painting and it couldn't have been completed at a better time as I have just found out that my mentor/ teacher and friend has lost her battle with Cancer. I am hoping that she finds peace now. So I am dedicating this painting in her memory.

Landscape painting using a toned ground

I have been experimenting lately with toned grounds. A toned background is a background that has been painted in a flat wash of color. This is done for 2 reasons, it seems to take away the intimidation of starting with a blank white canvas and it adds continuity to the painting as the undercoat will show through in spots. Some colors work better than others as a toned background. For this painting I use I started off by toning this little 2.5 * 2.5 inch canvas with cad. red and then applied my color dashes of color. For something so tiny it sure hold a lot of impact. The red under painting that is showing through seems to highlight the greens of the trees and the fields.

Granite tabletops

Well not really I have a fully stocked canvas corner.. but I just wanted to switch it up a bit. In our home we are all about the 3 r's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle so when these off cuts of granite used for counter tops were dropped off at the bin at my husbands work he called and asked if I would be interested. Well I am always up for a challenge. These are 2 garden table tops. The black one is in my little corner of the garden and the pinky one is a thank you gift for all the perenials she filled my garden with this spring. :) She has no idea she is getting it but cant stop talking about the one in my garden. I cant wait to see her face.

Acrylic Frenzy One Stroke Designs

Every once is a while I will bring my tub of acylics out and paint like a mad woman for a week and then they will get returned them to the shelf to collect dust once again. This just happened to be one of those weeks. :)

Rock Canyon

Rock Canyon 16*20 acrylic on stretched canvas Yes between packing, moving, and unpacking i did manage to fit in another painting. LOL ;) Been working on my landscapes lately, I thought this one was done then I photograph it and I now see little things that need tweaking. Mainly done with a pallett knife and a little brush work. Hope you enjoy

Bottles and Blooms

Another finger-painting. I have become a very tactile person the older i get and even though you cant get the fine details that a brush could give you I love the feel of squishy paint between my fingers. I know it sounds gross but it almost tricks your brain into thinking of your piece as a sculpture being molded instead of painted. If that makes any sense. ;)

Floral Pour - acrylic cracked!

Well this was an eye opener. Another acrylic but this time i tried pouring, as well as my fingers dipped in water to acheive this marbleing technique. Overall it "was a beautiful painting till it started to dry and then it cracked. I dont know why - maybe because the paint was applied so thickly. hmm! Anyways I thought I would share what was. I peeled this painting off and are saving the paint skins for another project.

Fingers and Fish

Well as a mom of 4 kids I often get inspired by watching them at their easle's. Well today we decided to give the old fingers a go round and see what we can come up with. I actually like alot of what is going on in this piece. The movement in the back water gives the illusion of other fish or seaweed moving around - I dont think this could have been created with a brush. Not the best "painting" but definatly a good basis for another one like it.