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Showing posts with the label Canadian Artist

The Road Inland - A Newfoundland inspired painting

I am always fascinated by the colorful houses of the east coast of Canada and thought I would share it with you. This is an ACEO Canadian maritime landscape trading card measuring 2.5 * 3.5 inch. Hope you enjoy. watercolor on 140lb CP Click Here For Auction!

Renaissance Boy in Blue Hat - Watercolor ACEO

I must really like little boy's in blue as this is the second painting this week I have done with the same color pallette. :) I really love the renaissance feel to this painting, which I seem to be doing a lot of lately. Other examples can be found here and here SOLD Boy in Blue Hat ****Artist Trading Card*** 2.5 * 3.5 inch Watercolor on 140lb CP paper Hope you enjoy Tammy

Little Boy Blue - A day at grandma's house

This was my serious project for the week. My little boy blue checking out the tadpoles at grandma's. It was quite a chilld day and from his vantage point he could still see the little fishes and baby frogs and didnt mind just exploring this new world.:D 6 * 7 inch watercolor on 140lb CP paper Hope you enjoy Tammy

Calgary Art Walks 2011

Back from a week at the beach and couldn't be more refreshed and inspired. :) Anyways as always Im a little behind the 8 ball when it comes to posting but I have been invited to participate in Calgary Art Walks 2011 in conjunction with Canadian Artists for the Poor in support of ending poverty. I have donated my Mountain Bluebird Painting in support of this project. So come on down for an afternoon of all things beautiful. Thursday July 7 between 10-3 on Stephen Ave Mall. I Hope to see you there. :) *** update - with a few thousand people in attendance, wonderfully talented artists and mother natures co-operation it made the show a complete success. :)

Teapot and Tansies Mini

I love the way this mini still life painting turned out. I painted this on a cad red toned background and added layers both transparent and opaque acrylic over the top. It really adds a feeling of continuity to this painting.   2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas includes mini display easle **SOLD**

Oh My Heavens - The World News :O

So every once in a while I google myself - just to make sure I am not having anything negative associated with my paintings and I came across this article in the World News!!!!!!!. If you scroll to the bottom of the article smack dab in the middle is a link to my you tube 2009 video of my paintings. You cant even imagine how excited I am! :) I am very honored and privilaged to whomever came by and admired my work enough to give me a feature spot. *** big hugs **** Thank you!

mini landscapes

2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas. SOLD These all come with their own mini easles for display purposes for a total measurement of 5 inches. Sometimes I think I should have called myself "paint in my hair and kids at my feet" These last few weeks with the holidays and a constant stream of house guests that have been here WAY longer than expected due to flight cancellations have left me a little more then frazzled and in desperate need of a vacation. :) But I have been able to sneak away and get a few of these mini's completed. Now hopefully I can get a chance to complete my sketchbook in time. :O Until next time Tammy

Peace, love and Happiness

10 3/8 * 12 3/4 inch watercolor and ink

The way's of life

Full Sheet 22 * 30 in Mixed Media acrylic over a watercolor underpainting on 140 lb CP This is my first full sheet painting and it couldn't have been completed at a better time as I have just found out that my mentor/ teacher and friend has lost her battle with Cancer. I am hoping that she finds peace now. So I am dedicating this painting in her memory.

Hanging out Watercolor Portrait Tutorial

Another painting started .. i just love the expression on this teens face.. it represents that genre very well.(man i sound old all of a sudden) LOL Anyways just a simple pallette Skin tones - raw sienna, alizarin crimson, and ultramarine blue. Work slow .. develop your warms .. thin washes wet on wet and **let dry in between*** When you are waiting for the initial skin tones to dry move onto another area that does NOT touch and adjacent area that you have worked on. For the jacket I used just a simple wash of UMB and Burnt Sienna. Cobalt blue for a bounce of stronger color in the white shadows. Keep developing your skin tones. dampen a small area at a time, drop in your color and walk away. For the hat I used a light wash of perm. rose.. dry and then cobalt blue. Enhance the shadows and the stiching on the hat with a mix alizarin crimson and UMB that you have been using on the face. This will help to tie everythig together. I also used perm rose and cobalt underwashes on the s

2 pears

5 * 7 Watercolor on Strathmore aquarius synthetic paper

Amongst the Tines

12 * 7 inch watercolor on Strathmore aquarius synthetic paper This was an an excersise taken from the watercolorist guide to exceptional color- an invaluable book in my collection.