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Showing posts with the label landscape

Mountain Bluebird Acrylic Tutorial

I haven't posted a WIP is a long time so I thought I would stop by and show you this mountain bluebird painting I have been working on in between sewing projects. :) 9 * 12inch canvas board. Here are the first intial stages mostly just blocking in the large masses of color. starting to define the shape a bit more on the leaves and feather pattern Almost done! Went back in to reshape his head , eye and bottom breast a little. Added more shading under his body to tail feathers. I realized after photographing the last shot something was off - the lighting didnt match. So .... will be going back in today to try and give the tree more of a rounded shape by moving the shadows to the right side of the tree (hehehe oops... )and maybe pump up the highlights on some of the leaves. :)Till next time Happy Painting! 9 * 12 acrylic on canvas board signed and dated on both front and back Donated to Canadian Artists for the Poor

mini landscapes

2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas SOLD 2.75 * 2.75 inch acrylic on stretched canvas. SOLD These all come with their own mini easles for display purposes for a total measurement of 5 inches. Sometimes I think I should have called myself "paint in my hair and kids at my feet" These last few weeks with the holidays and a constant stream of house guests that have been here WAY longer than expected due to flight cancellations have left me a little more then frazzled and in desperate need of a vacation. :) But I have been able to sneak away and get a few of these mini's completed. Now hopefully I can get a chance to complete my sketchbook in time. :O Until next time Tammy

landscape note cards

I've been using up the scraps of watercolor paper that has been laying around my studio.. with Christmas coming up you never know what Santa is going to bring me. ;)They are all about 5 * 7 in size Hope you enjoy

The way's of life

Full Sheet 22 * 30 in Mixed Media acrylic over a watercolor underpainting on 140 lb CP This is my first full sheet painting and it couldn't have been completed at a better time as I have just found out that my mentor/ teacher and friend has lost her battle with Cancer. I am hoping that she finds peace now. So I am dedicating this painting in her memory.

Landscape painting using a toned ground

I have been experimenting lately with toned grounds. A toned background is a background that has been painted in a flat wash of color. This is done for 2 reasons, it seems to take away the intimidation of starting with a blank white canvas and it adds continuity to the painting as the undercoat will show through in spots. Some colors work better than others as a toned background. For this painting I use I started off by toning this little 2.5 * 2.5 inch canvas with cad. red and then applied my color dashes of color. For something so tiny it sure hold a lot of impact. The red under painting that is showing through seems to highlight the greens of the trees and the fields.

Rock Canyon

Rock Canyon 16*20 acrylic on stretched canvas Yes between packing, moving, and unpacking i did manage to fit in another painting. LOL ;) Been working on my landscapes lately, I thought this one was done then I photograph it and I now see little things that need tweaking. Mainly done with a pallett knife and a little brush work. Hope you enjoy

Stalking - adding the details

Just doodling and this what I came up with- I thought it was done after the first shot but it needed atmosphere to go along with mood. So i added some bushes in the front, and yet it was still missing something- so i went back in added the fence and deepened the shadows a little. Im thinking the shadow behind him is a little off it should be taller abd skinnier and sitting more off to the right a little - but oh well. One of the joys of watercolor is it is very hard to correct mistakes. These little paintings start out with a few simple Random brush strokes on a comination of wet/dry paper, I let them dry and them find pattern with in what was and work with it. That way your brain has the chance to switch over to the left and paint "what you see.. not what you think you see" Thank you Betty Edwards ;) These are my versions thumbnails.

Conwy Castle

Just waiting for some supplies to come in so I can start working on my latest commission, and since it has been a few years since I did anything in black and white so i thought i would start a small ink piece to try and work on my values. I am working this piece with a sz 03 micron pen. It has been so long since i brought my pens out that they have almost dried up - which is exactly what i needed to get this piece going. Ink is VERY unforgiving so you have to work slowly judging lights against darks and building up your darker values. You cant go back in and erase it later. About 6 hours into this already and it is only 8*10. Yes I am still working on my Xander portrait ;) 7.5"*8" Ink on paper For Sale $85 USD

Inukshuk Winter

Inukshuk Winter 9*12 Acrylic ** For Sale** $160 CAD This is the second in a series - This year has really taught me to paint what I love. It comes across the same way as talking with a smile. :) The Way Home 9*12 Acrylic on canvas board ** For Sale** $145 CAD