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Xander Watercolor Portrait Tutorial

HI all, I would like to introduce you to my youngest boy - i couldnt resist trying to capture the toothless grin that he is famous for. This started out ok with the line drawing and the diox purple underpainting - but now it has got to the ugly stage and i am forcing myself to work through it. His skin tones were painted using rose madder and yellow ochre. Way to yellow for him so i am going to add a layer or 2 of perm rose just to try and tone it out a bit. If there are any portrait artists out there I could really use some help trying to correct these issues. The next installment of Xander is here. It is starting to pop, I started this session by masking out his eyes and a few highlights in his hair before i proceeded to start adding a large wash of his skin tones focusing on transitions between the yellows and reds. After a few layers to build up tone, I went back in with a very light wash of cobalt blue and started "carving out" some shadows. Still looking p

Bottles and Blooms

Another finger-painting. I have become a very tactile person the older i get and even though you cant get the fine details that a brush could give you I love the feel of squishy paint between my fingers. I know it sounds gross but it almost tricks your brain into thinking of your piece as a sculpture being molded instead of painted. If that makes any sense. ;)

Floral Pour - acrylic cracked!

Well this was an eye opener. Another acrylic but this time i tried pouring, as well as my fingers dipped in water to acheive this marbleing technique. Overall it "was a beautiful painting till it started to dry and then it cracked. I dont know why - maybe because the paint was applied so thickly. hmm! Anyways I thought I would share what was. I peeled this painting off and are saving the paint skins for another project.