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Hanging out Watercolor Portrait Tutorial

Another painting started .. i just love the expression on this teens face.. it represents that genre very well.(man i sound old all of a sudden) LOL Anyways just a simple pallette Skin tones - raw sienna, alizarin crimson, and ultramarine blue. Work slow .. develop your warms .. thin washes wet on wet and **let dry in between*** When you are waiting for the initial skin tones to dry move onto another area that does NOT touch and adjacent area that you have worked on. For the jacket I used just a simple wash of UMB and Burnt Sienna. Cobalt blue for a bounce of stronger color in the white shadows. Keep developing your skin tones. dampen a small area at a time, drop in your color and walk away. For the hat I used a light wash of perm. rose.. dry and then cobalt blue. Enhance the shadows and the stiching on the hat with a mix alizarin crimson and UMB that you have been using on the face. This will help to tie everythig together. I also used perm rose and cobalt underwashes on the s

2 pears

5 * 7 Watercolor on Strathmore aquarius synthetic paper

Amongst the Tines

12 * 7 inch watercolor on Strathmore aquarius synthetic paper This was an an excersise taken from the watercolorist guide to exceptional color- an invaluable book in my collection.